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Bolinha de Arroz (3) image

Bolinha de Arroz (3)

Com Tinta e Choco.
Cuttle Fish Arancini
Alergénios: Molusco, Leite e Ovo.
Allergens: molluscs, milk and egg


Gluten free
Gaspacho image


Cold tomato soup with cucumber and bell pepper. Sem alergénios/No allergens.


Gluten free
Gyozas de Vegetais (3) image

Gyozas de Vegetais (3)

Vegetable Gyozas. Fried.
Alergénios: Soja.
Allergens: Soya
S/ Glúten,
S/ Lactose e


Gluten free
Lactose free
★ Croquetes de Carne (3) image

★ Croquetes de Carne (3)

Com Mostarda Dijon.
Meat Croquetes with dijon mustard
Alergénios: Ovo, Soja e Mostarda.
Allergens: Egg, Soya, Mustard
S/ Glúten e S/ Lactose.


Gluten free
Peixinhos da Horta (4) image

Peixinhos da Horta (4)

Com Maionese e Gengibre.
Green Beans Tempura with ginger and mayo sauce
Alergénios: Soja e Ovo.
Allergens: Soya, Egg.
S/ Glúten e S/ Lactose.


Gluten free
Salada image


Peq. Guarnição com Tomate e Pepino.
Small side salad with tomato, cucumber.
S/ Glúten, S/ Lactose e Vegan.


Gluten free
Couvert image


Ask the Rice Experts.
Bread with hummus or olive oil. The bread is homemade by our next door Deli.
Alergénios: Ovo e Soja.
Allergens: Egg, Soya
S/ Glúten e S/ Lactose.


Gluten free
Tábua de Enchidos image

Tábua de Enchidos

Selection of traditional smoked cold meats. Sem alergénios/No allergens. SEM LACTEOS/DAIRY FREE


Gluten free
Tábua de Queijos image

Tábua de Queijos

Selection of cheese. Alergénios/Allergens: leite/milk


Gluten free
Tábua Mista image

Tábua Mista

Selections of traditional smoked cold meat and cheese. Alergénios/Allergens: leite/milk


Gluten free
Couvert 2.0 image

Couvert 2.0

Bread, olives, peanuts, lupin beans and olive oil. Pão, azeitonas, amendoins, tremoços e azeite. Alergénios/Allergens: amendoim/peanut, tremoço/lupin, ovo/egg (pão/bread)


Gluten free


★ Canja de Galinha image

★ Canja de Galinha

Com Ovo Escalfado.
Chicken Soup with Rice and poached egg
Alergénios: Ovo.
Allergens: Egg
S/Glúten e S/ Lactose.


Gluten free
Creme de Legumes image

Creme de Legumes

Vegetable Creme Soup.
S/ Lactose e


Gluten free

To Go With Our Rice

Choose what to pair with you rice... and then choose a rice.

★ Naco de Salmão ao Mel 180gr image

★ Naco de Salmão ao Mel 180gr

salmon fillet cooked with honey and rosemary.
Alergénios: Leite e Peixe
Allergens: Milk, Fish
S/ Glúten


Gluten free
Lombo de Bacalhau Confitado e Geleia de Pimento 180gr image

Lombo de Bacalhau Confitado e Geleia de Pimento 180gr

Codfish Loin cooked in low temperature. Comes with a redpepper jelly on the side and portuguese cabbage.
Alergénios: Ovo, Soja e Peixe
Allergens: Egg, Soya, Fish.
S/ Glúten e S/ Lactose


Gluten free
Naco de Novilho (170gr) image

Naco de Novilho (170gr)

Stake Loin with sauted vegetables (espargus and brocolis) and the rice of your choosing.
S/ Glúten e S/ Lactose


Gluten free
Xerém de Legumes image

Xerém de Legumes

Traditional cream of corn with vegetables: chick peas, carrot , courgette and cabbage. Creme de milho envolvido em legumes salteados: grão, cenoura, courgete e couve. Sem alergénios/No allergens


Gluten free
Tandoori de Perú image

Tandoori de Perú

Turkey cooked in the oven with zafran and yogurt sauce.
Alergénios: Leite
Allergens: Milk
S/ Glúten


Gluten free

Choose Your Rice

Don't forget to pair you rice.

Arroz Basmati

Basmati Rice


Gluten free

Arroz Negro

Black Rice


Gluten free

Arroz Vermelho

Red Rice


Gluten free

Arroz Arabe

Arab Rice. Com passas e amendoa/with raisins and almond.


Lactose free

Our Risottos

Arroz Nero di Sépia image

Arroz Nero di Sépia

Com choco e tinta de choco.
Made with cuttle fish ink and cuttlefish. Comes with a lemon on the side and rucula.
Alergénios: Molusco, Leite e Ovo.
Allergens: Molluscs, Milk and Egg.


Gluten free
★ Risotto de Cogumelos e Espargos image

★ Risotto de Cogumelos e Espargos

Mushroom and Asparagus Risotto.
Alergénios: Leite.
Alergens: Milk.


Gluten free
Risotto de Camarão image

Risotto de Camarão

Shrimp Risotto
Alergénios: Leite, Ovo e Crustáceos.
Allergens: Milk, Egg, Crustaceous,
S/ Glúten.


Gluten free
Risotto Vegan de Cogumelos e Espargos image

Risotto Vegan de Cogumelos e Espargos

Mushroom and Aspargus Vegan Risotto. Sem alergénios/No allergens.


Gluten free

Rice Noodles

★ Pad Thai de Frango image

★ Pad Thai de Frango

Chicken Pad Thai
Alergénios: Moluscos, Amendoim e Soja.
Allergens: Molluscs, Peanut and Soya.
S/ Glúten e S/ Lactose.


Gluten free
★ Pad Thai de Camarão image

★ Pad Thai de Camarão

Shrimp Pad Thai
Alergénios: Moluscos, Amendoim e Soja.
Allergens: Molluscs, Peanut and Soya.
S/ Glúten, S/ Lactose


Gluten free
Pad Thai com Lentilhas image

Pad Thai com Lentilhas

Veggie Phad Thai with lentils
Alergénios: Amendoim e Soja.
Allergens: Peanut and Soya.


Gluten free
Noodles de Camarão Ameijoa e Choco image

Noodles de Camarão Ameijoa e Choco

Rice Noodles with Shrimp, CuttleFish and Clams
Alergénios: Leite, Moluscos e Crustáceos.
Allergns: Milk, Mollucs and Crustaceans.
S/ Glúten


Gluten free
Green Wrap de frango com Molho de Iogurte image

Green Wrap de frango com Molho de Iogurte

Chicken green wrap with yoghurt sauce. Alergénios/Allergens: leite/milk.


Gluten free

Portuguese Traditional

★ Arroz de Pato image

★ Arroz de Pato

Duck Rice
S/ Glúten e S/ Lactose.


Gluten free


Hambúrguer de Carne image

Hambúrguer de Carne

Com Alface, Tomate e Queijo Cheddar.
Meat Burguer with homemade bread. with tomate, lettuce and Cheddar Cheese.
Alergénios: Ovo, Sésamo e Soja.
Allergens: Egg, Sesame, Soya.


Gluten free

Extras Hambúrguer

Adicione ao seu hamburguer/add to you burguer

Ovo (Alergénios: Ovo) (S/Glúten, S/ L...


Cebola Caramelizada (S/Glúten, S/ Lac...


Batata Frita (Alergénios: Soja) (S/Gl...


Palitos de Cenoura (S/Glúten, S/ Lact...


Rice Menu for Kids

Sopa de Legumes Kids image

Sopa de Legumes Kids

Meia Taça.
S/ Glúten, S/ Lactose e Vegan.


Gluten free
Arroz de Pato Kids image

Arroz de Pato Kids

150 gr.
S/ Glúten e S/ Lactose.


Gluten free
Massa de Arroz com Bolonhesa Kids image

Massa de Arroz com Bolonhesa Kids

S/ Glúten e S/ Lactose.


Gluten free


★ Arroz Doce RICE ME image

★ Arroz Doce RICE ME

Com três compotas à escolha: frutos vermelhos, maçã ou ganache de chocolate
Rice Me Rice Pudding - made with vegetable wipped cream and sliced almonds, you can add three coulies to go with it: Chocolate, red berries or apple.
Alergénios: Frutos de Casca Rija.
Allergens: Nuts
S/ Glúten, s/ leite

Couli de Maçã


Frutos Vermelhos


Ganache de Chocolate


Gluten free
Arroz Doce Clássico image

Arroz Doce Clássico

Tradicional portuguese Rice Pudding, cooked in milk, with lemon zest its later envolved in eggs and cinnamon.
Alergénios: Ovo e Leite.
Allergens: Egg, Milk
S/ Glúten.


Gluten free
★ Crumble de Maçã image

★ Crumble de Maçã

Apple Crumble
S/ Glúten, S/ Lactose e Vegan.


Gluten free
Farófias em Creme image

Farófias em Creme

De Arroz e Cocrante do Mesmo.
Its sort of a merengue with egg cream on top, made with rice milk.
Alergénios: ovo
Allergens: egg


Gluten free
Leite Creme image

Leite Creme

Crème brullée. Alergénios/Allergens: ovo/egg, leite/milk.


Gluten free
Mousse de Chocolate image

Mousse de Chocolate

Chocolat Mousse. Alergénios/Allergens: ovo/egg.


Gluten free
Fruta da Época image

Fruta da Época

Seasonal fruit. Sem alergénios/No allergens


Gluten free
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